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Dental Implants and Dentures

Losing a permanent tooth is never a pleasant experience. A tooth can be lost because of widespread decay or an injury to the face. For those who are missing one or more permanent teeth, dental implants or dentures may be recommended. Implants are made up of a titanium implant post and a dental restoration. The implant post is surgically placed in the jawbone and the restoration is attached to the post. A denture is a removable appliance that replaces most or all of the teeth. Each restoration has its advantages.

Common Benefits
They are both ways to improve the appearance of your smile. Not only will missing teeth be replaced, but your face shape will be maintained. Because they give you back your smile, and will improve your self-esteem and confidence. They are both made to look like your natural teeth. They are each custom made to your smile, so they provide comfort and optimal fit.

Where Dental Implants Shine
Dental implants are designed to fuse with your jawbone. Because of this, they become a permanent part of your smile. This makes them convenient in a way that dentures are not. Dentures are removable. They have to be removed daily for cleaning. You can brush your implants just like you would natural teeth. Implants are more comfortable than dentures because they feel natural. With dentures, you need adhesives to keep them in place. However, dental implants are a part of your smile. They also function like your natural teeth. While dentures may slip, making it harder to eat and speak properly, dental implants make it easy to speak and to eat all of your favorite foods easily.

Feel free to contact your dental professional for more information.