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Oral Health Care Quiz

A new year is among us once again. As important as it is to celebrate the new season, let us not forget our journey that got us here. Hopefully, your dental care was fulfilling and most triumphant. As the year progresses forward, don’t forget to look back on what you have done and any areas you see fit to improve. For your oral health care, there is always something you could be doing to keep your teeth safer from the dangers of this world.

Test it from last year in our oral health care quiz:

– Did you brush your teeth twice daily?
– Did you floss once daily and/or use mouthwash on a daily basis?
– Did you limit between-meal snacks before lunch and dinner?
– Did you fight halitosis by keeping your tongue and mouth clean?
– Did you get your regular check-up and professional cleanings at 19th Avenue Dental?
– Were your cleaning products dentist-approved?
– Did you avoid unhealthy drinks and snacks that could damage your teeth and gums?
– Did you avoid chewing or smoking tobacco, along with other products that can harm your teeth and gums?
– Did you use safe teeth-whitening products or go to 19th Avenue Dental for professional treatments?
– Did you use any cleaning products after eating to limit the damage of harmful acids?

If you answered yes to 0 to 2 questions, your oral health is poor, try harder this year.
If you answered yes to 3 to 6 questions, your oral health is ok but could use improvement.
If you answered yes to 7 to 9 questions, your oral health is good, you’re getting there!
If you answered yes to all 10 questions, you are truly an oral health superstar!

To start the year off right, stop by our office in Everett, Washington, or call us at 425-385-8130 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shuichi Yamaguchi for a professional cleaning or oral exam. Let’s make 2017 the best year for your oral health yet!